Thursday, April 16, 2009

How on Earth is THIS Possible??

This is going to be short and sweet, but it's blog-worthy...

Zach, my brother, just reached his ultimate goal...this is sad...he's texted (is that a word?) over 12,000 texts in ONE MONTH! What? Are you kidding me? How is this possible? And the real kicker...he only used 91 of his TALKING minutes. That is just ridiculous. I just can't get over this. Okay, if you do the math...that's around 400 texts a day! He's probably up about 16 or so hours a, that's 25 texts an hour EVERY day.

OMG. WTF. He's got a lot of BFF's that he's TXT-ing. TTYL! LOL!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Those Dang Toasted Marshmallow Eggs

So, I'm a fan of candy. I admit it. But, this Easter I was thrown a curve ball when I began a love affair out of nowhere with a little chocoloate covered marshmallow egg. I never expected to become so attached to this little egg. These eggs that come out one time a year, that I discovered TOO late and didn't stock up!! They are so delicious, and I will tell you why. First, the marshmallow is toasted just as if it was straight from the campfire-golden brown with the eooey gooey center (not that black, ashy, charred crap!). Then, it's covered in the best, melt in your mouth chocolate ever. The only problem is, it's a freakin' EGG shape, meaning only one thing: Easter only, honey! Sad, I know!

So, with only 2 eggs left from our Easter stash, I came up with the brillant idea to email the company directly. And not even Shelley, the customer service coordinator for the Elmer Candy Corporation, could help me! Dang you, Shelley!! But, she did try her hardest. She let me know that they no longer make this product, now that Easter is over. Yeah, figured. But, she let me know where I could TRY to find them in my area. Yeah, good luck with that one! Easter candy was marked down on Monday, and you know the old people were in there scooping up the deals.

So, I will try to look at my local Dollar General, yes, they were from Dollar General, and I will TRY to find my beloved eggs. But, I'm pretty sure I'm S.O.L. on this one. I'll be counting down the days till Easter candy comes out next year!!

How many times can I say "blog" in my first blog?

So, I did it. I took the plunge. I made, what I think is, the ultimate commitment. I'm a blogger. Yes, I said it. Blogger. I'm sure Bridget and Christina will be proud. They have been after me to write a blog, which I have been hesitant to do. They even blogged about me NOT blogging. I never thought I would become someone who has their own blog, but I started to think one day...'what if one day some big Hollywood producer is just bloggin' it up, and happens to stumble on to my fabulous blog? Then, he sees how extremely funny my family and I are, and decides to write a sitcom based on ME and MY family! How cool would that be? How could I possibly pass up that chance?' The odds of this happening? Probably slim to none. But, here it is: my blog.