Thursday, April 16, 2009

How on Earth is THIS Possible??

This is going to be short and sweet, but it's blog-worthy...

Zach, my brother, just reached his ultimate goal...this is sad...he's texted (is that a word?) over 12,000 texts in ONE MONTH! What? Are you kidding me? How is this possible? And the real kicker...he only used 91 of his TALKING minutes. That is just ridiculous. I just can't get over this. Okay, if you do the math...that's around 400 texts a day! He's probably up about 16 or so hours a, that's 25 texts an hour EVERY day.

OMG. WTF. He's got a lot of BFF's that he's TXT-ing. TTYL! LOL!


  1. That is just craziness. Does he have sore fingers? I thought I texted a lot, but nothing compared to that.

  2. Does he do anything else... like work??? Geez! 400 texts a day! That's crazy! And let me guess... he's not texting you... probably lots and lots of single girls! :-)

  3. Holy Shit thats a ton of text!!!!!

  4. Ugggghhh, I'm sorry my blog bothers your eyes but you are going to have to take Christina up on that because she designed it and I love it. I will see what we can do about the colors though. I would hate to cause you bad vision.

  5. I just gave you a blog award so get your ass on here and blog a bit
