Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How many times can I say "blog" in my first blog?

So, I did it. I took the plunge. I made, what I think is, the ultimate commitment. I'm a blogger. Yes, I said it. Blogger. I'm sure Bridget and Christina will be proud. They have been after me to write a blog, which I have been hesitant to do. They even blogged about me NOT blogging. I never thought I would become someone who has their own blog, but I started to think one day...'what if one day some big Hollywood producer is just bloggin' it up, and happens to stumble on to my fabulous blog? Then, he sees how extremely funny my family and I are, and decides to write a sitcom based on ME and MY family! How cool would that be? How could I possibly pass up that chance?' The odds of this happening? Probably slim to none. But, here it is: my blog.


  1. Love it! Your a Blog natural! Love ya, Bridget

  2. Yay!!! :-) Welcome to Bloggerville where happy hour is 24/7! :-)
